"Infinity Train is an American animated television series created by Owen Dennis, previously a writer and storyboard artist on Regular Show.[3] The pilot for the series was released by Cartoon Network on November 1, 2016, before being picked-up for a full miniseries due to positive reception, which premiered on Cartoon Network on August 5, 2019.
When I first watched Infinity Train I was hooked within the first episode (I do that a lot with shows). There was so much care, style, personality, just everything bleeding from every frame. Then when the story started to pick up mid way through the Book (they call each season a Book) I immediately messaged my friends with the "you need to watch this RIGHT NOW". They were able to fit so much, make you think and feel all these things, all in the span of ten 11min episodes. Then they did it again in Book 2. THEN AGAIN IN BOOK 3! Watch Infinity Train. You won't regret it.
"I found the pilot on YouTube, thought 'hey that's kinda neat', found Season 1 was out, and watched the entire thing in one go. Never had a show hook me that quickly" -Desert
"It is criminal. CRIMINAL. That they're not making any more of this show." -EnemyCarcass
I agree with EnemyCarcass. This show had so much potential and you could see what they were building to in Book 4 for Book 5, but it was cut short. Book 4 is good on it's own, but it doesn't work well as the finale of the show itself. I'm still holding out hope that they'll revive it and give it the finishing Book it deserves, as the creator Owen Dennis has proven he can make some damn fine television!